Utah State University Innovation District Master Plan

The Innovation Campus is an environment where facilities, services and technology combined for innovations to be born, take root and grow – a concept known as “technology transfer.” MHTN provided campus planning services for the 150 acre  campus located adjacent to the USU Main Campus in Logan and North Logan, Utah. Unique functional considerations are required in order to achieve the mission of the Innovation Campus including extensive interaction and collaboration with campus leadership and stakeholders. As portions of the existing campus are aging, over half of the available land remains undeveloped presenting a major opportunity to create a connected, walkable, amenity-rich campus that will continue to attract entrepreneurial companies and employees. Detailed analysis, inventory of existing resources, and future potential guided the development of the plan. The plan directs investment in efficient, reliable infrastructure, and highly-desired amenities in order to meet short-term and long-term needs through phased growth over 25 years and beyond.

SERVICES: Master Planning, Landscape Architecture, Cost Estimating

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Design Challenge
Planning for the next 25 years of growth and development on the Innovation Campus to achieve its goals of energy efficiency and site sustainability while also balancing public and private development interests.

Logan, UT | 150 Acres | 2017
Precinct Plan Update 2020

Earth Centered
The plan includes rain gardens and bioswales t0 retain stormwater on-site and return it to aquifers. Photovoltaics are being utilized above stormwater areas to provide power to various buildings on campus. Buildings are oriented, where possible, for favorable solar orientation to maximize daylighting and offer mountain views while blocking cold winter winds. Enhancements to active transportation infrastructure to encourage walking and biking throughout campus. Public transit stops are provided for Aggie Shuttle and Cache Valley Transit routes.